Website Health Check Consultation and Report

Receive a consultation to assess your website on 15 checkpoints. The service includes a deep dive into any one issue identified as a major pain point. You will get a report on how you score, highlighting the areas that are of most concern and a root cause analysis of your identified pain point.
Health Check Benefits
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Know Your Strengths and Weakness
Know where you are already meeting objectives and can turn to higher priority items. Identify what is hurting your business goals or poorly representing your brand.
Discover Risks and Opportunities
There may be things about your website that you don’t even know about – good or bad. Discover risks and eliminate them before they become a problem. Leverage opportunities to get more value from your investment.
DIY Improvements
Your report will include recommendations and detailed instructions for steps you can take by yourself to imprve scores. None of these recommendations will require high technical knowledge and can be accomplished within the dashboard interface.
Priced Out Estimates
If you prefer to let someone else do the work, we provide fixed price estimates for each recommendation. Let IPT do it for you !
Identify Areas of Highest Priority
Checkpoints are categorised by Performance, Security, Site Maintainability, Broad Device Compatibility, Privacy, SEO and
Accessibility. Focus on the results most important to you. Grades quickly identify areas for improve and flags critical fix-now items.
- Complete the linked form providing your contact information.
- In the form identify one specific issue you would like addressed.
- IPT will contact you about scheduling a consultation.
- If you purchase the service, IPT will test your system on 15 important website health areas and investigate your identified pain point to find a root cause.
- When concluded you will receive a report with scores for your website health; the results of the investigation into the issue of concern identified by you; and recommendations for remedial action.